Multiple Occupancy
Fire, Smoke and Acoustic Seals
High-density living is a reality in many cities around the world with high-rise, multiple occupancy buildings also commonplace in Australia’s urban landscape. With many people in confined areas, the safety and comfort of occupants is paramount.
In recent years, the Building Code of Australia (BCA) has been amended to meet resident and community expectations in relation to acceptable noise levels, particularly in high-density areas and buildings.
Unwanted noise can come from external sources such as road, rail and air transport or internally from lifts, air-conditioning, and garbage chutes – and, most commonly, from the activities of other residents. Raised voices, televisions, amplified music and home theatre systems are key offenders today. Noise control is also paramount in multi-storey commercial buildings.
Due to the varied nature of these noises, measures must be taken to reduce airborne sound to acceptable levels. Kilargo offers a range of tailored acoustic door sealing solutions that help to seal apartment entry doors from unwanted noise.
High-rise buildings also present unique fire safety challenges. Kilargo’s fire and smoke solutions also allow architects and developers to design build ‘fire safe’ multiple occupancy buildings that provide adequate fire prevention and containment.