An astragal seal used with either plain or rebated meeting stiles on single swing, double doors (where only one door leaf is active). It provides an excellent acoustic, smoke, light, dust and weather seal.
The thin fixing leg allows this seal to be face fixed to the door (no rebating required). This leg can also be checked to make way for locks and latches.
Australia Made
Ensuring the highest standards of production, this product is proudly manufactured in Australia.
Product Features

Seals for this designation are designed to control smoke at ambient temperature conditions.

SteriTouch® antimicrobial seals are designed to safely reduce the growth of harmful organisms such as bacteria, mould and fungi.

Reducing air movement within buildings assists in improving the overall energy efficiency of the building.

Designed to contain smoke at 200 degrees C for 30 minutes.

Seals for this designation are designed to conform to the NCC Specification C3.4 for ‘Smoke Doors’

Seals for this designation have been tested in accordance with AS1530/7 for smoke leakage, providing ambient or medium temperature leakage rates across various pressures.

Testing for door assemblies incorporating these seals has been conducted to AS1191 and/or ISO140 Part 3/ISO10140.2.